1. 労働者の権利と人権
2. 環境負荷の低減
Recruit Code of Conduct
In accordance with the Recruit Group Human Rights Policy, Recruit Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries establish this "Recruit Code of Conduct". We strive to balance environmental, social, and economic aspects, and to contribute to sustainable development in cooperation with all stakeholders (interested parties: users, clients, shareholders, employees, business partners, NPOs/NGOs, national government/administrative agencies, and local communities, etc.) by considering our environmental and social impacts and operating in a manner that is economically sustainable over the long term. We also expect our stakeholders in the value chain to make active efforts to respect human rights based on this perspective.
Our long-cherished vision, mission, and values since our founding are based on the core principle of "creating a brighter world where all individuals can live life to the fullest." To ensure that people, who are the source of value creation, are respected as individuals, and that people realize larger freedom, cooperation from partners in the value chain is essential since these goals cannot be achieved by our sustainability efforts alone. We call for our partners’ cooperation to take a proactive approach based on this "Recruit Code of Conduct" so that we can work together to create a brighter world where all individuals can live life to the fullest.
1. Labor Rights and Human Rights
ComplianceWe strive to comply with the laws, rules and regulations of the countries in which we operate. In addition, we recommend compliance with internationally recognized ordinances, agreements and guidelines regarding international standards for human rights to promote social and environmental responsibility and business ethics.
Prohibition of DiscriminationIn employment practices such as recruitment, evaluation, promotion and workplace management, we strive not to cause or contribute to discrimination against any employee based on class, race, color, sex, language, religion, gender, age, political or other opinion, national or social origin, nationality, property, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, birth or other status. We do not require unreasonable medical examinations except when required by applicable laws or when it is deemed necessary for workplace safety.
Elimination of Harassment and ViolenceWe strive to eliminate harassment and violence in the workplace. We do not tolerate any type of harassment, violence, or punishment, including power harassment, that takes advantage of job status or position, or other types of harassment such as psychological, mental, physical, sexual, or verbal harassment.
Elimination of Forced Labor and Child LaborWe strive to eliminate forced labor and child labor to protect workers from modern slavery in the development, operation, and distribution processes of service provision.
Appropriate Working HoursWe strive to ensure appropriate working hours in the development, operation, and distribution processes of service provision in accordance with the laws of each respective country.
Fair WageWe strive to ensure that workers engaged in development, operation, and distribution processes of service provision will receive fair wage in accordance with the laws of each respective country. In addition, we will consider the payment of wages (living wages) that are sufficient to cover the necessities for daily life.
Health and SafetyWe strive to provide a safe and hygienic work environment in accordance with the laws of each respective country and to take measures to prevent health hazards and occupational accidents. We also recommend that education and training for employees are regularly provided to create a safe and hygienic work environment.
Freedom of AssociationWe respect workers’ freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of each respective country.
2. Reducing Environmental Impact
Responsible Sourcing of Resources and Raw MaterialsWhen procuring paper and other resources for provision of services, we will prioritize considering international principles. We will strive to control emissions of GHG such as carbon dioxide, to integrate perspectives of reducing adverse impacts on climate change, to use raw materials that are collected and cultivated considering resource conservation, and to reduce the use of natural resources and energy whenever possible.
Established on April 1, 2021